Consent to Release Information to Third Parties
Consent forms are provided for students to give consent to third-parties (for example, a parent or guardian) to have access to their educational records. Each form needs to be completed by the student.
Consent to Release Financial Information Procedure
A student may release financial information through the MyUTK portal: Students will choose “View/Pay Fees” and then the tab labeled “Authorize Users” to give consent to an individual to view the student’s account information and make payments on the student’s behalf. Adding an authorized user is the student’s written consent to give others the ability to access his/her account information.
Consent to Release Academic Records
Students can grant access to parents or guardians using the FERPA Academic Record Release online by going to MyUTK and choosing FERPA Academic Release Form located in the Academic Links box on the main page. Completing the form will provide access to the student’s academic records for a period of one (1) year or until revoked by the student. The form requires the name of the person(s) to whom consent is given and a “secret word” to verify that person’s identity.
Consent to Release Disciplinary Records
Consent forms are available for the student to complete and sign. The original form should be maintained (1) in the office where it was filed, (2) entered into the Banner electronic tracking system; or (3) if the form is used for a single-day release, it should not be entered into Banner, but the consent form should be kept in the student’s file for the life of the record.
Student Information Release for Sponsored Projects
Departments are to ensure The University’s FERPA policy is followed to protect the privacy of our students. The process will require department payroll administrators or those who process payroll to request all students complete a “Student Information Release Form for Sponsored Projects”. Departments will maintain a copy of the form for the student as long as the individual is a student. If the student was used on an awarded project, the department will retain the document for three years after the final audit of the sponsored project.
Restrict the Disclosure of Directory Information
Restrict the Disclosure of Directory Information Form
A request to restrict the disclosure of Directory Information prevents the disclosure of the student’s Directory Information to any individual or party not authorized to access this information and prevents the publication of Directory Information in the UT Online Directory. This restriction also prevents the disclosure of Directory Information to non-University (external) entities. However, this information will still be accessible to school officials and designated educational partners as permitted under FERPA.
To restrict the disclosure of Directory Information, complete the Restrict the Disclosure of Directory Information Form and bring the form along with a photo ID to:
Office of the University Registrar (Attention: Ryan Carter)
209 Student Services Building
The University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-0220
Phone: 865-974-1111
You can also submit this form from your UTK-issued email address to .
If you have questions about your employee directory information, please contact Ms. Jody Huff,, P115 Andy Holt Tower, 865-974-5251.
Web page revised 5-10-13